About the Author

James Wm Frank is an experienced entrepreneur who has been involved in business ventures for over five decades. His entrepreneurial journey began at the age of six when he started selling all occasion cards to his neighbors. Over the years, James has gained a wealth of personal and family experience and invested tens of thousands of hours in studying business and personal achievement. He has successfully launched over eighteen corporations, ranging from manufacturing and wholesaling to retailing, sales training, transportation, and business and personal development.

James has traveled extensively to five continents and 26 countries, where he has developed numerous businesses on an international scale. He is passionate about helping people worldwide to start and develop their own business ideas. James also uses his experience and sense of humor to inspire young people to reach for the stars and make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

James recently founded the Mary Boleyn Hospice Foundation Inc. to provide support and assistance to Cystic Fibrosis patients in their final days. He also launched Rapdigo Driver in 2019, a company and community website dedicated to last-mile mobility apps, safety, and career training for delivery drivers worldwide. With the addition of the Rapidgo Driver Apps, Food Kitchen, Food Truck Apps, PicUp4You, and last-mile mobility expertise, James has demonstrated extensive creative innovation in the first-party app environment.

Today, James operates his cloud businesses from anywhere his laptop and cell phone can be connected. For James, entrepreneurship is not just about making money, it’s also about an entire lifestyle. His goal is to wake up every day, saying he can’t think of anything to worry about.

James is also an upcoming author, and for more information on his business endeavors and upcoming books, please visit his media.


Rapidgo Driver

Rapidgo Inc – Canada


Boomer to Zoomer

Boomer to Zoomer Facebook

Instagram – James Wm Frank

Rapidgo Driver Facebook

Flipboard Magazine

Reddit – Independent Business

Reddit – Independent Driver


Interview outtake with Brian Tracy

NFTs on OpenSea

Email: jameswmfrank@gmail.com